
Biblical Lovemaking: A Study of Song of Solomon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Biblical Lovemaking is a sensitive, literal study of The Song of Solomon, the Old Testament book of the Bible that tells the story of the courtship, wedding and subsequent sexual adjustments between Solomon and his wife, Shulamit. From this very real story written in poetic form comes many principles from a biblical perspective on the subjects of courtship, marriage, and sex, as well as many...

The English text has titled this book as The Song of Solomon. The Hebrew text, however, reads: The Song of Songs, Which is Solomon’s In the Hebrew construction there is a repetition of the noun in the genetive, thus making it a superlative. It is THE Song of Songs, the one song surpassing all other songs. The song is one of many composed by Solomon and of his 1,005 songs (1 Kings 4:32), it is the choicest of his songs. This is the force of the Hebrew construction. Similar Hebrew
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